Are The Writers for "The Simpsons" Time Travellers?

The Simpsons being one of the most successful TV Shows is no stranger to future events, at least it seems like it.
The show has surely built a reputation for predicting the future, and 100% accurately true too. 
As it has been proven multiple times before, the show has predicted well known future events, sometimes even decades before it happened...and here is the list of just some of them:

- Donald Trump As President, Season 11, Episode 17

In the 2000 episode called "Bart to the Future," the show goes next level on its prediction talents when it name drops Donald Trump as having been the President of The United States. 

Trump then became The State's President in 2017.

- Smartwatches in Season 6, Episode 19
The Simpsons showcased a smartwatch in an episode that aired in 1995, nearly 20 years before Apple released their first Smartwatch. 

-The Use of Auto correct in modern technologies, Season 6, Episode 8 

The episode that aired in 1994 showed the frustration of a school bully whose text message kept being autocorrected into "Eat Up Martha"

-The 9/11 Attacks

-The Covid Pandemic

-The Ebola Outbreak

In an episode primarily set to be in 1990, Marge attempted to cheer up a worried Bart with a reading of Curious George and the Ebola Virus. Though the disease had existed before the episode, Ebola had its largest outbreak on record later on in 2014 and 2015.

Now what comes to our minds are, how exactly do the producers and writers predict all of these right on the spot? Is magic used, is some weird conspiracies involved or are they simply just time travelling to find future world events? 
Turns out the answer is simple. 

The show was created by two mathematicians who are MIT graduates, what more can we say? 
That's right, the writers and the producers of this show is seemed to be filled with high educated people, with most of them being Harvard graduates, majoring in complicated science, maths, computer science and politics and graduating with honours. 

So to answer our question, are the writers and producers for this show really time travellers? 

Well, no, but with an intellectual pedigree, it’s almost impossible not to predict the future. What other outcome could you honestly expect from rounding up some of America’s best and brightest in one single room, and throwing them in to scrutinize the current landscape for satirical purposes? Given sufficient time – and considering the recurring motifs in this rather circular modern culture of ours, just like how it is with Donald Trump threatening to run for US president, Richard Branson threatening to breach space, surely they’re bound to anticipate the curve.

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