✨ 2023 Vision ✨

Hello my fellow blog friends, 

It's me again, Nazwa, and I'm back again with another blog entry :) 

This blog entry, I would like to share some goals and dreams that I have for this upcoming new year relating to what I have been working on in the previous year with hopes that it will help me out for the future to become a better person and achieve all my dreams after high school, which I've been really looking forward to! 

I hope this can inspire you to rethink and plan about your goals so we can all achieve our dreams together this new year ☺✨

Some of the things I want to achieve in 2023 are.....

- Excellent time management skills

- A stronger physic

- More muscles! 

- Understand that I exercise because I GET TO, not because I HAVE TO

- Get into a good university

- Make new friends around the world 🌏❤

So friends, 

In 2022, I was able to change my mindset and got these goals listed above done step by step every day no matter how hard it got, however, for this upcoming year, I want to make sure these goals are REALLY properly applied to my day to day basis and most importantly, my MIND, because that's where everything begins and sprouts. 

Excellent Time Management Skills and Getting Into a Good Uni:

Back in 2022, I have conquered every distraction that got to me and really tried my absolute hardest to prioritize school, and fortunately, it did result me with satisfying scores which made me pretty proud of myself.

However, in 2022, I also realised that I ended up getting to the point where I prioritized school over everything else in my life which affected my physical health and mental health very negatively. I wasn't eating enough, I had 0 sleep every night and survived on litres of caffeine each day, and I was a nervous anxiety filled reck and managed to lose nearly 20 kilos within just a few months due to stress. 

So this year, I would like to prioritize 2 things. 

School & Myself! 

Nobody else is able to do that for me, we are the only ones that can take care of our wellbeings and our bodies as we are our only friend for life and our bodies are our only homes. 

I will achieve this goal by making sure that I get really efficient study times during the day or after school and make sure I prioritize myself during the night with some exercise and some time to myself to relax and rewind. 

A stronger physic and building more muscles:

While school was on my number 1 priority back in 2022, exercising was number 2 on the list. I was able to catch some time to properly focus on my psychical health, which did me wonders in my day to day life and improved my mental health. 

My initial goal was to lose some weight early on in the year, which I hadn't planned so much on, until the stress took me over and I must say... Helped me out with achieving this goal 🥴. 

I managed to lose a lot of weight, however, it wasn't done properly as most of the weight was melted off by day to day stress and a serious lack of sleep. 

However this year, I REALLY want to prioritize my health in a much healthier way because as I said before, our bodies are our only homes, we have to take care of it as much as we can, we are the only ones responsible. 

For my physical goal this year, I would love to build more muscles and achieve a stronger physic. Having a stronger physic will help increase my immune system, burn more calories during a day and keep me fit throughout my life, and keep my mental health healthy knowing that my physic is strong enough. 

And most importantly, I want to imply the mindset that I exercise because I GET TO, not because I HAVE TO, I don't want to ever see exercising as a 💥punishment💥 but rather as a ✨nourishment✨to my body. 

In order to achieve these physical goals, I have to accept my body along with its flaws and strength, use it and move it positively and enjoy every step of it while staying true and do my best to reach my goals and PR's in the gym. 

Making New Friends Around The World:

In the past years, I have made a lot of friends coming from different cultures and backgrounds.. 

I love learning about new cultures, traditions, languages and people thus why I see absolutely no harm in making new friends with different cultural backgrounds and communities. 

You can learn so much from just one person with their own background, imagine how many new knowledge you can possibly collect from a big group! 

In 2023, I wish to make more new friends from all around the world.

Not only can friends help with escaping the lonliness of our days, but having a wide range of friends can really help out with our networking systems, increase our circle and cliques! 

In order for me to achieve this goal in 2023, I will need to... 

1. Join more International conferences... 

VILA 2021 is an amazing example that I can put out here as I made so many amazing friends during the month that I still stay in contact with till this day! Special thanks to Miss Wiwin for the opportunity 🌹

(can you guys spot me here? :0) 

2. Expand my circle

I find that by expanding my circle, I am able to exchan

ge mutuals with others and therefore meet more new people! 

Those were my goals for 2023...

This year, I will do my very best to achieve all my goals and apply them to my day to day basis... I cant wait to see how much I will progress by the end of the year, though only time and some diligent effort could tell 😉

Thank you friends for reading my goals of the year, I hope this blog entry is able to inspire you to achieve YOUR very own goals this year and improve every aspects of your future. 

Lets all get excited to greet the better version of US at the end of 2023.

Always remember that none of your goals can be achieved without DEDICATION and a will to change in your own selves. 

Wishing you all a great year ahead 🥰


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